
[Power English] Pick up the slack, skeleton crew, 210101

BOKII 2021. 1. 27. 12:20


Working overtime

Jack: Where is everyone, on vacation?
Diane: No, sadly three people are out sick. So, it's just a skeleton crew of you, Regina, and me.
Jack: I don't know how we're going to pick up the slack for three people.
Diane: Well, there isn't a lot scheduled this week sinze Zach is out on vacation. He said he'll add a vacation day for the three of us for working late tonight.
Jack: That's big of him, especially if there isn't much going on. Let's grab some coffee.
Diane: Very funny, Jack. I didn't say there's nothing going on!

be out sick: to not work because of an illness 아파서 결근하다.
ex) Janessa has been out sick a lot this month.
ex) I was out sick yesterday. 

pick up the slack: to do extra work that someone else is unable to do 다른 사람이 마무리하지 못한 일을 처리하다.
ex) Bill had to pick up the slack when his teammate got injured. 빌은 팀 동료가 부상을 입어서 더 열심히 뛰어야 했다.
ex) I had to pick up the slack of him because he was out sick for a week.

slack이란 단어는 느슨한, 늘어진 등의 뜻이 있는데, 찾아보니 선원들이 느슨한 그물을 걷어 올릴때 pick up the slack 이라는 용어를 써서 다른 사람이 못한 일을 처리하는 뜻으로 쓰고 있다고 한다.

big of someone: noble or commendable 관대한, 대단한
ex) That's big of you.

skeleton crew: 최소의 인원
A skeleton crew is the smallest number of people it takes to maintain the operation of a business or organization





















