
Power English 210203 ~ 210206

BOKII 2021. 2. 23. 14:10

210203 My dog has bad breath! What should I do?

no offense: 내가 하려는 말이 기분 나쁘게 들릴지도 모른다
ex) No offense, but this cake is really stale.

needless to say: 말할 것도 없이

at this point 지금으로서는 at that point
ex) 이때 우리는 운전을 계속하기에는 눈이 너무 심하게 내리고 있다는 것을 알았다.
at this point, we knew it was snowing too hard to continue driving.

210204 Acupuncture Treatments 침술 치료
Acupuncture Treatments
A: How have your migraines been this week, Chris?
B: They're gone since I started getting acupuncture treatments once a week. It helped more than painkillers.
A: Right. I think acupuncture is more in harmony with your body's enegy filed and improves your blood flow.
B: That's what piqued my interest about acupuncture. I say a documentary about a man using it to control his pain.
A: What did your doctor say about using traditional Chinese medicine instead of drugs?
B: He wasn't happy that I second guessed him, but he was happy that I felt better.

migraine: 편두통
have a migraine: 편두통이 나다 / severe migraine: 심한 편두통

in harmony with something: ~와 조화를 이루는
카펫을 밖에 있는 나무와 같은 초록색을 사용한 게 정말 마음에 들어요. I really like how you used the same green in your carpet as the trees outside.
배우의 연기는 감독이 원하는 것과 맞지 않았다. The actor's performence was not in harmony with what the director wanted.

pique one's interest: 호기심을 자극하다 to arouse curiosity
내가 테레사에게 관심을 갖게 된 것은 그녀의 웃는 모습 때문이었다. What piqued my interst in Teresa was the way she laughed.
우리가 마을을 지나갈 때 들린 노래 소리가 내 흥미를 자극했다. The sound of singing piqied my interest as we walked through the village.

second guess someone: ~를 의심하다/비판하다
상사의 결정을 비판하는 것은 좋은 생각이 아니에요. It is not a good idea to second guess your boss's decisions.

210205 Enteraining a foreign business guest - dinner or a tour

A: I heard you're taking our client out for dinner tonight. Do you need me to come along?
B: No, I can handle it. Remember, I was the one who got him as a client.
A: Yeah, but now you need to be more careful so we keep him as a client.
B: What could possibly go wrong? We're just going to dinner.
A: Well, you have a tendency to give people the third degree. Just treat him like a V.I.P tonight.
B: I read you loud and clear. I promise to be on my best behavior.

handle something: ~을 다루다
마이크는 페인트칠을 혼자 감당할 수 없어서 동생의 도움을 받았다. Mike could not handle the painting job, so he got his brother to help.
이 과제를 감당할 수 없다면 차드에게 줄께요. If you can't handle this assignment, I can give it to Chad.

give someone the third degree: ~에게 질문을 퍼붓다 to question or interrrogate someone intensely
오늘 밤에 어디 있었어? 집에 왜 이렇게 늦어? Where were you tonight? Why are you so late getting home?
자기야, 나 방금 들어왔어. 꼬치꼬치 물어보지 좀 마. Honey, I just walked in. Stop giving me the third degree.
경찰은 존이 범행 현장에 있었다는 것을 인정했을 떄 질문을 퍼부었다. The police gave John the thrid degree when he admitted to being at the scene of the crime.

제발 꼬치꼬치 캐묻지 마세요. 제가 아는 건 이미 다 말씀드렸어요. Please don't give me the third degree. I already told you what I know.

read someone loud and clear: ~가 하는 말을 분명하게 이해하다.
내가 왜이렇게 화가 났는지 아세요? Do you know why I'm so angry?
네,아주 잘 알아요. 제가 거짓말을 했기 때문이죠. Yes, I read you loud and clear. It's because I lied to you.

아빠, 아주 잘 이해했어요. 집에 늦게 오지 않을께요. Dad, I read you loud and clear. I won't be late coming home.

잘 알아들었어, 마지막 도넛은 너를 위해 남겨 둘께. I read you loud and clear. I will save the last donut for you.

210206 Doomscrolling 둠스크롤링

Have you ever heard the term "doomscrolling"? It's the habit of spending a long time looking at all the bad news on your social media feed and news websited. This habit can become overwhelming and leave people depressed and sad, yet they won't be able to stop doing it. It turns out the human brain is always on the lookout for threats to our well-being and is preparing ways to manage what's coming. To help avoid excessive doomscrolling, be on the lookout for good news and take the time to read those stories instead of the negative ones.

be on the lookout for something: ~이 있는지 세심히 살피다
장갑이 있는지 잘 살펴주세요. 어제 제 장갑을 잃어버렸거든요. Be on the lookout for gloves. I lost mine yesterday.
아 저기 봐요. 저기 선반에 엄청 많네요. Oh, look! There's a whole rack of them over there.

알고 보니 모든 사람이 내가 웃기다고 생각하는 것은 아니에요. It turns out that not everyone thinks I'm funny.
