
파워잉글리쉬 161101~161104

BOKII 2016. 11. 14. 18:43

161101 Richard russo-Colby college commencement speech

- living wage 최저생활임금 
ex) I rented my own apartment as soon as I was making a living wage.
ex) The size of a living wage depends very much on where and how you live.
ex) The study revealed that many people in the region don't earn a living wage.

- juncture (중요한) 시점, 단계, 접하는 곳
ex) At this juncture, it looks like she'll be studying in France next year.
ex) There has been a settlement at the juncture of these rivers since Roman times.
ex) It took me nearly twenty years to get people to pay me a living wage for my writing, which makes me, even at this juncture, one of the fortunate few.

- smug 우쭐해하는, 잘난체하는
ex) Betty gets a smug look on her face when she's playing card against Helen.
ex) I learned there's a difference between being contented and being smug.

- Search out the kind of work that you would gladly do for free. 돈을 받지 않고고 기쁘게 할 만한 일을 찾아보세요.
- Seek the kind of work that you would gladly do for free.
- Look for the kind of work that you would gladly do for free.
- Ferret out the kind of work that you would gladly do for free.

161102 Two ways to measure

- head-scratcher 어려운문제 (a puzzle, a confusing mystery)
ex) Here’s a head-scratcher for you: I sent an American customer the specifications for one of our industrial cabinets and now he’s asking me for the dimensions, which I’ve already sent to him.
ex) It’s a head-scratcher why Jake didn’t wear his warm jacket today.
ex) The last question on the test was a head-scratcher, wasn’t it?

- chances are : 아마 ~일 것이다. it is likely; probably
ex) Chances are he wasn’t them in inches. 
ex) Chances are we won’t be home until after it’s dark. 아마 우리는 어두워질때까지 집에 못갈 것이다.
ex) No one knows for sure, but chances are Jean will accept the new position. 아마도 확신하지 않지만 아마도 Jean은 새로운 직책을 받아들일 것이다.
ex) Chances are someone noticed your meter had expired and put some coins in it. 아마도 누군가가 당신의 계량기가 만료되었고 동전을 넣었을 거라고 알아차린거 같다.

- pronto 당장, 빨리 quickly; immediately; promptly
ex) I’ll do the conversion and get those to him pronto.
ex) Better get that dish out of the oven pronto.
ex) Get down here pronto; you’re later for the meeting.

- out of curiosity 그저 호기심에서 for no reason other than personal interest; I wonder
- have yet to do something 아직 ~하지 않았다.
ex) Out of curiosity, are there any other countries that have yet to adopt the metric system?
ex) Is this the first time you’ve driven a motorbike, out of curiosity?
ex) Out of curiosity, have you ever been to Spain?
ex) Some of you still have yet to submit your timesheets.

- strange bedfellow 의외의 조합
ex) A minority government can make strange bedfellows of opposing parties.
ex) The two countries may share an enemy, but they make strange bedfellows.

- Most Americans are discomfited by the metric system. 대부분의 미국인들은 미터법을 당황스러워 하거든요.
- Most Americans are disturbed by the metric system.
- Most Americans are flustered by the metric system.
- Most Americans are perplexed by the metric system.

161103 Discovering New zealand's natives

- excruciatingly 견디지 못할 정도로, 고통스럽게, 극심하게 (painfully, unbearably, extremely)
ex) I brought along this New Zealand fact book to help kill time on this excruciatingly long flight.
ex) My knees were excruciatingly sore after the race.
ex) The drive to my grandparents' house was always excruciatingy boring.

- antipode 정반대
ex) Actually, the antipode of Seoul is off the coast of Uruguay.

- be that as it may , 그렇기는 하지만 (That may be true. however...; Nevertheless,)
- here goes 자 시작한다 (어떤 얘기를 시작하려 할 때 쓰는 표현)
ex) Be that as it may, we're going to need some entertainment, so here goes; did you know that New Zealand's first inhabitants, the Maori, have lived there for less than a thousand years?
ex) Yes, it's late, but be that as it may, I'm still going to practive the trombone.
ex) He won't likt it, but be that as it may, our son nees to take this medicine.

- get along/on like a house on fire 급속도로 친해지다 
ex) Jared and his new puppy are getting along like a house on fire.

- amicable 원만한, 우호적인
ex) He left his former job on amicable terms with his employer.
ex) Brianne and I are amicanle with one another, but no more than that.

161104 Caroline gets the warm fuzzies

- come down with something (병을) 옮다, (병에) 걸리다
ex) Homey, you know that Toby has come down with a bad cold. He's supposed to stay in bed.

- fall on one ~의 책임이 되다 (to become one's duty or responsibility)
ex) I still don't see why it should fall on me to do it. Toby will have to owe me one.
ex) When my mother became old, it fell on me to look after her.
ex) It falls on us as citizens to speak out if we discover problems that affect us.

- along the way 시간/여정/과정이 흐르면서
ex) We're a family, Caroline. We should all do our best to help one another along the way.
ex) I've seen this whole country and made many friends along the way.

- warm fuzzies 마음이 따뜻해지는 기분, 듣기좋은말
ex) If you're trying to give me the warm fuzzies, it's working.
ex) I always get the warm fuzzies from watching old movies like this one.
ex) Helping people in need can give you the warm fuzzies.

- sweeten the pot (덤/경품따위로) 사고싶게/매력적으로 만들다, 내기에 돈을 더 걸다, 제안을 매력적으로 만들다
ex) Good. And maybe having chocolate pie with coconut cream for dessert will sweeten the pot.
ex) She might join our company if we sweeten the pot.

- I'm occupied with dinner right now. 지금 저녁 준비로 바쁘다
- I'm busy with dinner right now.
- I am attending to dinner right now.
- I'm concetrating on dinner right now.
