
턴다운 Turndown

BOKII 2020. 12. 31. 17:52

보통 성능맵을 갖고 얘기할 때 고객이 압축기 턴다운이 얼마인지를 물어볼 때가 있다.

API672 5판에 의하면 다음과 같다.

Percentage of change in capacity (refereed to rated capacity) between the rated capacity and the surge point capacity at the rated head when the unit is operating at rated suction temperature and gas composition.

구글 번역을 돌려 보면
압축기가 정격 흡입 온도 및 가스 조성에서 작동 할 때 정격 용량과 정격 헤드의 서지 지점 용량 사이의 용량 변화 비율 (정격 용량 참조).

API617 8th Axial and centrifugal compressors and expander-compressors에는 다음과 같다.

1) Except where specific numeracal relationships are stated, the relative values implied in this figure are assument values for illustration only.
2) The 100% speed curve is determined from the opreating point requiring the highest head; point A in the illustration
3) The compressor rated point (CPR) is the intersection on the 100% speed line corresponding to the highest flow of any operating pointl point C in the illustration.
4) The head-capacity curve at 100% speed should extend to at leat 115% of the capacity of the CRP.


결국 Turndown는 change in capacity (referred to rated capacity) 를 의미하며 rated point에서 surge까지를 의미하므로 위 그래프에서 B가 맞다. API617 그래프에서도 아래 Turndown range는 Compressor rated point에서 Surge까지를 의미한다. 그럼 A는? API617 그래프에서처럼 Operating stability이다. 

Operating stability: The operating rage from the compressor rated point to surge at constant speed expressue as a percentage.


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