Reference Project/Spec: IOGP

IOGP & JIP33, S-612 Air Compressor - Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 :

BOKII 2021. 1. 12. 22:41

JIP33의 S-612스펙에는 아래와 같이 총 4개의 문서를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.

Air Compressor – Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 – Specification

IOGP S-612 November 2018 버전입니다. Supplementary Specification to API Standard 672 Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors / API 672 4판의 Supplementary specification 입니다.


Foreword를 보면 아래와 같이 스펙의 목적이 나옵니다. 해당 스펙은 IOGP에 의해 구성된 JIP33 (구매를 위한 장비의 통일화) 명목 하에 준비되었다. Oil & Gas Industry에서도 각 메이저 회사마다 스펙이 다르기 때문에 결국은 최종 구매자들이 모여서 장비를 통일화 하도록 스펙을 개정하자 뭐 이런 취지 정도로 보여집니다.

This specification was prepared under a Joint Industry Project 33 (JIP33) “Standardization of Equipment Specifications for Procurement” organized by the International Oil & Gas Producers Association (IOGP) with the support from the World Economic Forum (WEF). T



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This specification covers constant speed electric motor driven integrally geared centrifugal air compressor, with a shaft power range of up to 1500 kW, for plant and instrument air application. Note: This specification may also be applied for a steam turbine driven air compre

-> Shaft power range 1500 kW 까지만 해당된다고 한다.


6.1.9 Performance Criteria

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Compressor thermodynamic and mechanical performance, as specified in the data sheet, shall be validated by the vendor during the performance and mechanical run tests. The thermodynamic performance test may be performed on one machine of multiple order of identical machines. (동일한 장비의 경우 전부 다가 아니라 1대만 Test 해도 된다는 소리)



The package shall be provided with means of draining of compressor casing.

-> 공기압축기의 Compressor casing에는 보통 drain 안하는데 왜 들어가 있지.


친절하게 Material selection까지 언급해줌

하나하나 해석은 다음 포스팅에서....

6 Basic design

7 Accessories

8. Inspection, Testing and Preparation for shipment

9. Vendor Data





File attachments

Air Compressor – Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 – Specification

Air Compressor – Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 – Quality Requirements

Air Compressor – Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 – Information Requirements

Air Compressor – Integrally Geared Centrifugal to API Std 672 – Datasheet









