BOKII 2019. 9. 30. 13:48

- VDI 2045(ISO5389), ASME PTC-10

분야 VDI2045 ASME PTC-10
Code name Acceptance and performance tests on turbo compressors and displacement compressors Performance Test Code on Compressors and Exhausters

Part1. 데이터측정장치 및 방법, 성능시험방법, 보정방법

Part2. 용어 정리 및 적용

시험형태 (Type 1, Type 2)



Issued country Germany United states


일정 조건하에서 측정 가능한 물성치나 알려진 가스에서 작동하는 축류/원심 압축기 및 배기장치의 열역학적 성능 결정을 위한 시험 절차 제공 


- TYPE1 TEST: 설계조건과 유사한 조건하에서 시험

Table 3.1, 3.2 충족 / 일반적 공기,질소압축기


- TYPE2 Test: 설계조건과 다른 조건하에서 시험

Table 3.2충족, 고압/특수 가스 압축기


- Contents

Section1: Object and Scope

Section2: Definitions and Description of terms

Section3: Guiding principles

 3.1 Planning the test

 3.2 Types of Tests

 3.4 Test gas and speed

 3.10 Pretest run

 3.11 Test operation

Section4 Instruments and methods of measurement

 4.9 Gas compositino

 4.10 speed measurement

 4.12 methods of shaft power measurement

 4.14 Shaft power by electrical measurements

Section5 Computation of results

 5.3 Type2 test gas speed selectino

 5.4 Calculations for test operating conditions

 5.5 Dimensionlss parameters

 5.6 Calculations for specified operating conditions

Section6. Report of test


3.2 Types of Tests

 Type1: specified gas or very near the specified operating conditions 

 Permissible deviations: Table 3.1


 Type2: The specified gas or a substitute gas

 요구되는 시험 회전수는 specified operating condition의 회전수와 주로 차이남


TABLE3.1 Permissible deviation from specified operating conditions for TYPE1 Tests

Variable Symbol Units Permissible Deviation
Inlet pressure pi psia 5%
Inlet temperature  Ti R 8%
Speed N rpm 2%
Molecular weight MW lbm/lbmole 2%
Cooling temperature difference   R 5%
Coolant flow rate   gal/min 3%
Capacity qi ft3/min 4%

General notes

(a) Type 1 tests are to be conducted with the specified gas. Deviations are based on the specified values where pressures and tempertures are expressed in absolute values.

(b) The combined effect of inlet pressure, temperature and molecular weight shall not produce more than an 8% deviation in the inlet gas density.

(c) The combined effect of the deviations shall not exceed the limited of Table 3.2. Cooling temperature difference is defined as inlet gas temperature minus inlet cooling water temperature.


TABLE3.2 Permissible deviation from specified operating parameters for TYPE1 AND 2 TESTS

Parameter Symbol Limit of test values as percent of design values
Min Max
Specific volume ratio vi/vd 95 105
Flow coefficient   96 104

Machine mach number
Centrifugal compressors
Axial compressors

  See Fig.3.3
See Fig.3.4
Machine reynolds number
Centrifugal compressor
Mm See Fig.3.5
Axial compressors where the machine reynolds number at specified conditions is below 100,000 Rem 90 105
Axial compressors where the machine reynolds number at specified conditions is above 100,000   10 200


(1) Minimum allowable test machine reynolds number is 90,000.
