
Hazardous Area Certification

BOKII 2021. 2. 3. 11:59


Hazardous Area Certification
CSA (Compliance, Safety and Accountability)
FM (FM Approvals LLC, formerly Factory Mutual Research Corporation)
UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)
Approved IECEx Certification bodies (EXCBs) under IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme

FM 북미 방폭 인증
UL 미국의 안전 시험 기관
IECEx System은 폭발 위험이 있는 환경에서 사용되는 전기기기의 적합한 안전수준 유지 및 국가 간 중복 인증 방지를 위한 자율 인증제도로서, IEC 적합성 평가 시스템(Conformity Assessment Systems) 중 하나임. (2)
ATEX , 유럽방폭인증서

Intrinsic safety, 본질안전(本質安全)
“Intrinsic safety” is a design and construction method that can be applied to electrical instruments and their interconnection wiring for safe use in a hazardous (classified) location. (1)

Commentary Notes:
The identifying letter for intrinsic safety is “i” followed by either “a,” or “b,” or “c” identifying whether the equipment is suitable for Zone 0 (ia) or Zone 1 (ib) or Zone 2 (ic). Intrinsically safe systems are limited by this standard to those certified “ia” to simplify the selection process and to ensure that an I.S. system is safe to install in all locations (Zones 0, 1, or 2).

The ‘ic’ concept will replace the ‘energy-limited’ (nL) of the type ‘n’ Standard IEC 60079-15 and ‘non-incendive’ concept of North American standards. When Intrinsically Safe systems are used, ‘ia” level of protection shall be specified to ensure a safe installation across all locations. (1)














(1) SAES-J-903 Intrinsically safe systems 1 Jan 2018

















